You know who likes to do fun things? You do!!
Hey, so do we!! That’s probably why we’re friends.
Simplicity CU has some summer fun on the way in July, and we’re here to tell you all about it.
You know who likes to do fun things? You do!!
Hey, so do we!! That’s probably why we’re friends.
Simplicity CU has some summer fun on the way in July, and we’re here to tell you all about it.
We had so much fun talking to ourselves (we usually do) that we decided to do it again and talk about how we do (or don’t, as the case may be) video production.
Fun fact: we mention upwards of 7000 times in this podcast that we started with almost no experience.
Community support is crazy important to us and we're proud of the things we do to help local organizations and our communities that help make our world a better place. Since we know that stuff is important to you too, we thought "jeez, people might like to know about all of that stuff so they can be a part of the goodness that is community support". So, here we are, letting you know! Please join us or let us know if you'd like to get involved in any of these awesome opportunities. Cheers!
This time around we sat down to talk to ourselves (which is not that unusual, if you know us) and, turns out, it was a pretty great conversation!
But seriously, for this episode of the podcast, Sue interviewed Vince about his work in photography...
Exciting things are happening on our team! Exclamation Services (our Credit Union Service Organization) had the chance to take the CUSO on the road and talk to some of our Credit Union friends about what we're up to.
May 3rd, 2019, Marshfield, WI – Simplicity CU is excited to announce that Ryan Lubek was selected as one of four winners of the Saver’s Sweepstakes® in a statewide drawing for a quarterly prize of $1000.
This week we make amends for putting our teammates on the spot and answer Would You Rather..? questions 'live on air'.
It's a great time to learn more about us, feel awkward as we overshare, and (most importantly) find out where YOU can see the video that inspired it all.
This week we’re jumping in to possibly our favorite topic of all time - the Avengers.
Is this just a chance for us to nerd out on the MCU? Are there actual real life lessons can we learn from them? You have to listen to learn, Friend.
When we announced our Housewarming Party giveaway in January of 2018, we were really excited to see what would happen. After all, it was the first time we’d done this kind of thing, and there were SO MANY unknowns. Would people pay attention, would they share their stories, would someone PLEASE give us a chance to throw a party where we needed to rent tuxedos?
It turns out the answers to those questions are, in order, Yes, Yes, and Not Yet (but we haven’t given up hope).
We're dealing with the big questions on this episode of our podcast.
Why are we here? What did it take to get where we are? Who shot first, Han or Greedo?
That's right, friends, ALL of the big questions.